日本語学科 概要


WCGB offers language courses for international students who want to learn Japanese in order to enroll in universities, graduate schools and vocational schools or to find a job in Japan.

The following PDF files contain the information below in different languages.

Application and Enrollment Schedule

 For April AdmissionFor July  AdmissionFor October  Admission
InterviewMid August ~ Late SeptemberMid December ~ Late JanuaryEarly March ~ Early April
Documentation PeriodLate August ~ Late OctoberLate December ~ Late FebruaryLate March ~ Early May
Application DateMid NovemberMid MarchMid May
Application Results/
Payment Receipt Date
Mid FebruaryMid MayMid August

※We conduct interviews on flexible dates to accommodate the schedules of our prospective candidates. The aforementioned dates for the interview serve as a guideline for the application process.

Required Documents:

  • Completed application form (provided by the college)
  • Passport (with photograph)
  • Proof of educational background: graduation certificate or diploma, and transcript of records or enrollment certificate
  • Certificate of proficiency in Japanese language (JLPT results) or proof of Japanese language study
  • Bank statement showing a balance of approximately 2,000,000 Japanese Yen
  • Proof of familial relationship (if applicable) along with family member’s identification card
  • Salary verification letter from financial guarantor
    ※Additional documents may be requested.

Tuition Fees

📝Spring Enrollment

Admission in April (the period of school attendance – 2 years)
※ All fees are quoted in JPN Yen (JPY)

 Selection feeEnrollment feeTuition feeFacility feeTotal
1st term (March)30,00050,000325,00050,000455,000
2nd term (August)325,000325,000
3rd term (February)325,00050,000375,000
4th term (August)325,000325,000

📝Summer Enrollment

Admission in July (the period of school attendance - 1 year and 9 months)
 Selection feeEnrollment feeTuition feeFacility feeTotal
1st term June30,00050,000325,00050,000455,000
2nd term (November)325,000325,000
3rd term May325,00037,500362,500
4th term November162,500162,500

📝Autumn Enrollment

Admission in October (the period of school attendance - 1 year and 6 months)
 Selection feeEnrollment feeTuition feeFacility feeTotal
1st term September30,00050,000325,00050,000455,000
2nd term (February)325,000325,000
3rd term (August)325,00025,000350,000

※We offer a deduction of 20,000 JPY from the total fee when payment is made for the entire academic year in advance.

WCGB Dormitory

The college offers housing facilities, which include both single-room and shared-room accommodations available for rent.

Dormitory Fee (6 months)

Shared room 165,000 JPY             

Deposit30,000 JPY
Reserve fund20,000 JPY
Administrative  cost10,000 JPY
Dormitory fee105,000 JPY  (17,500JPY/month)

Single room 225,000JPY

Deposit30,000 JPY
Reserve fund20,000 JPY
Administrative  cost10,000 JPY
Dormitory fee165,000 JPY (27,500 JPY/months)

General Information